Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why do I smell like gas?

Ok so I am the dumbest person in the world or at least this is how I feel.

Today Emily's school had a field trip planned for a boat ride and I was a chaperone.

Last night we had the board meeting for her school on this boat, it was really nice and I knew Emily would love it. After the meeting I had to stop for gas, I pulled into a station on the way home and it was $4.29 a gal, I was like no way am I paying $4.29 yet if I don't have to. I traveled farther into the 'city' where there should be multiple options, I saw $4.19, $4.22 and I kept driving "OH Stop and Shop has lower prices and I have their card" I pull up to Stop & Shop- No lights- Darn they are closed. I drive a little further, Darn Citgo is also closed. I decide I will stop in the morning. So we head to to school this morning and since I am in auto pilot I drive by all the 'city' options and now have to stop on the way to the 'country. I drive near the next few stations and there were like 20cars or so it seemed and I was like No problem and I can go a little further and get gas at the next station........................NOPE.............I RAN OUT OF GAS!!!
My poor little car went putt putt putt and went to sleep. I almost dropped a F bomb but chose to say OMG instead and threw a few things around. My daughter advised me that I shouldn't throw things and I said a bad word. I am in the middle of no where, I reach for my cell and have no signal- what the heck am I supposed to do??? I get out of the car, I find a signal, I call my hubby, I call the school and tell them what happened and we won't make the field trip. I am so emotional at this point I want to cry out loud 1) How stupid can I be, thinking I can go a little further, like I drive a Super car or something 2) My little girl is going to devastated that she will miss the boat ride 3) How am I going to get gas I am near nothing or no one. A DOT truck pulls up and the man driving offers me help, but had nothing to get gas so he apologized and moved on. I finally got in touch with my mom, who lives 40mins away, to come and help us. I am just around a corner and people are driving fast, I am afraid someone will hit us....Another DOT truck pulls up with 2 guys this time and offer help, they also can't help with the gas but are also worried about the turn, they left me with 3 orange cones in back of my car and asked me to leave them on the side of the road when I was done- their kindness makes me wanna cry. Then one of the other Mom's calls me and says they will wait a bit and maybe we can still make the boat. My Mom arrives and now we head to the gas station, when we arrive I walk in and ask the lady "I ran out of gas do you sell gas cans?" she says "yes but they are $10.00" I said "I am out of gas and in the middle of no where, I will pay the $10.00" . So we head back to my car, I talk with the Mom's & Teachers again and advise them to go without us, I didn't want to ruin their trip. They said we could go with the other class tomorrow if we wanted- Em will be ecstatic. Now I get to my car and can't get the gas into my tank, the $10.00 gas tank is too fat and oddly shaped that I can't get the gas to empty. So I pull out my water bottle and empty it and try to make a funnel, nothing sharp in my car, inside my head I am swearing up a storm....I finally use my teeth and bit the bottle so I could tear it. I finally get the gas in, car starts and we head to station to get more gas and then off to breakfast.
OMG how stupid, I feel so dumb. I wanna just cry. Everyone was so nice about the whole thing.

Note to self: Buy something sharp to keep in car, Buy Funnel for car, Buy emergency kit for car, Don't turn your nose up at $4.29 gas..........

The thing that kills me is, the gas station that I drove away from because I refused to pay the $4.29 a gal last night is the same gas station that I had to buy the $10.00 gas can and refill my tank after I got it running. Is someone trying to tell me something??


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I totally would have cried, myself! I've run out of gas before and wanted to kick myself in the butt. It's annoying! Thank goodness you guys can make the boat road the next day. :-)
Don't be so hard on yourself!

Chele76 said...

figures that they still get their money out of the whole thing...

Heather said...

ok so this totally reminds me of a day that happened to me that i am now going to post about so please feel free to come by and read it!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I am *terrified* of running out of gas or being stranded by my car. I pay for a AAA membership, that's how much it scares me.